
REFUGIUM - (A Hardcover Graphic Novel)

Created by Simon Roy

A journey to an ancient pocket of alien life, on a terraformed world... and a sprawling guidebook to the lost life-forms of the planet!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

about 1 month ago – Thu, Aug 22, 2024 at 12:47:42 PM

Check your email, everyone - the surveys are out, and we're looking for your shipping info and shirt sizes! 

(That's all for now, but this does mean that shipping will ideally happen in the next three weeks)

Huge thanks for your support, and more news as it happens!


about 1 month ago – Mon, Aug 19, 2024 at 09:29:35 AM

A brief update! I am currently hammering out the final details on the backerkit survey (including shirt sizing) which should go out in the next day or two - and as soon as we have sizing in, production will begin! Otherwise, the books themselves are now IN the USA (at the container port in Long Beach California, and likely heading north to Oregon once they clear customs), and all the other rewards are likewise converging on the CRWN studio warehouse for international redistribution!

So keep your eyes peeled for a survey, and prepare yourself for the landing of REFUGIUM!

Thanks, and more info once I've got it, 

Simon Roy

3 months ago – Fri, Jul 05, 2024 at 04:50:08 PM

It is with much jubilation and fanfare that I can present to you a view of the comps, which just arrived today - 

The gloss, emboss, gilding, etc - its looking hot, folks! REAL HOT! The colors are a little different for the cover and spine due to some last minute troubleshooting adventures but I'm pleased with how it all turned out...

BUT - More info on shipping timelines, pre-orders, and more, in the next two weeks. Mainly, estimates on what/how all those will proceed, but soon!

Thanks for your patience and support,


Post-campaign update #1
4 months ago – Tue, May 21, 2024 at 02:38:12 PM

This will be a pretty light update, but first of all - thank you all so much! Once again I am overjoyed to see how well this campaign turned out. 

FIRST - the PDFs are being fine-tuned as we speak, and will be delivered through the kickstarter e-mail system by the end of the month.

Secondly, I just wanted to keep you in the loop - the first wave of proofs (of which there are several) have arrived from China, and though you can't necessarily tell too much from the photos -'s looking glorious! Thank you for your support, and your patience, and expect more updates soon! 



THE FINAL 48 HOURS (and added digital availability)
5 months ago – Tue, May 14, 2024 at 09:21:45 AM

This update is the shortest and simplest, but it's just to say that we're getting into the final stretch - so last chance for everything! After getting some feedback, I've added all the digital editions of the books as options on here, so if you're going all-digital, you can scoop all the PDFS at once! 

Huge thanks for everyone's support so far - we're all pleased as punch (and grateful to boot) with how the campaign has turned out! I (Simon) am currently in talks with the printer, getting everything square away as we speak!

